
Spider-Man 2 Preview

Spider-Man 2 Preview – Spider-Man 2 Previews for Xbox at GameSpot

  1. Spider-Man 2 will use a variation of Grand Theft Auto-style free-roaming gameplay and offer you a good degree of freedom. You’ll have a fat chunk of Manhattan, from the financial district to Harlem, to explore in your adventures.

    -) Ottimo (-
  2. Webswinging is given an extra bit of oomph, thanks to the new physics and momentum system added to the game, which allows you to use gravity to your advantage when webslinging. The game now takes into account where your weblines attach, so it’s possible to hitch a ride on helicopters.

    -) Straottimo (-
  3. Spider-Man’s sixth sense will take the form of a timing-based mechanic that requires you to press a context-sensitive button to avoid your foes and even counterattack them. It’s even possible to slow down time for brief stretches, à la Max Payne’s “bullet time,” to help make using the move a little easier.

    -) Ottimissimo (-

By: abdul

On: 06-15-2004