
In girum imus nocte ecce et consumimur ignI

Specifiche Revolution

As for specs, since you seem to be really privy on them, the Revolution will indeed support both 720p as well as 1080i. The GPU of the console packs quite a punch. It’s actually two cores linked together with ATi’s alternative on nVidia’s SLI. Though no releasedate has probably been determined yet by Nintendo (current releasedate looks to be around March next year in Japan), this could mean that Revolution will be the first device to support this ATi technology. Even before they introduce it to the PC market.

Now the cores themselves are completely custom-made by a different team than the core for the Xbox 360. It’s known as the RN520, where the N actually stands for Nintendo. One core in itself, isn’t as fast as the R500-ish core of the Xbox 360, but together they are quite a bit more powerful. The CPU consists of four cores each running at 2,5 GHz and is based on the G5 architecture. Each core has it’s own 128KB L1 cachememory, and they all share a L2 cache of 512KB. Next to this, the CPU and GPU share 512MB of memory, just like the Xbox 360 does. Also, the GPU has it’s own on-die memory for quick tasks which amounts to 16MB of eDRAM.

There’s also a seperate processor for sound, which is quite advanced and takes a lot of workload off the CPU. Last but not least, the Revolution features a PPU for complex physics, which utilizes it’s own 32MB of memory. So all in all, it’s quite the complex machine with many different processors. Still, it’s rather easy to develop for because of the excellent development tools which Nintendo delivered. These are all GameCube based with a lot of completely new features built-in

Riassumendo: Scheda Grafica Doppia ATI SLI-Like, G5 a 2.5 Giga, 512MB di RAM. Sticazzi!


Un pensiero su “Specifiche Revolution

  1. voci molto di corridio parlavano anche di fantomatici e fantasmagorici (e anche un po’ fantasmacazzi) “dispositivi di proiezione 3D” delle immagini….. mah, le solite cazzate

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